Voyages of the Starship #EDCMOOC

One of my learning goals for this course E-Learning and Digital Cultures was to try out new tools. GoAnimate is one tool that I have had some fun with. I took some of the information put forth in last week’s Google Hangout led by our course leaders and created a StarTrekish video clip.

Summary of the First #EDCMOOC Hangout led by
Jenn Ross, Sian Bayne, Jeremy Knox. Hamish MacLeod and Christine Sinclair

Creative Commons License
This work by Willa Ryerson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

6 thoughts on “Voyages of the Starship #EDCMOOC

  1. You have made an old man very happy. šŸ™‚ And I forgive the obvious cultural stereotyping. But, I canna change the Laws of Psychology Cap’n.

  2. I am very glad that I could make you happy and that this little clip did not offend you. I was thrilled when I was able to match the voice with the character. Taking this course has opened up new and wonderful ways to engage with others and learn more ways to be creative in my thinking and teaching.

  3. Personally, I’m heading straight out to buy that outfit. I find it’s a very good look for me : )
    Thanks Willa – this did make me laugh! And I’m glad you’re enjoying the course.

  4. Pingback: eLearning and Digital Cultures: my vicarious learning highlights #edcmooc | Learningcreep

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